About Our School
What Makes Us Special
Teenage Parent High School has more than 50 years of experience in supporting pregnant and parenting teens to continue and graduate from high school. The school offers four nurseries, staffed with experienced Infant Care Specialists who care for babies and mentor teens in best parenting practices. TAP High School provides all classes needed to complete a TUSD High School Diploma and all courses are aligned with a rigorous curriculum developed to prepare students for college and career success. TAP teachers are highly qualified in multiple content areas and are very experienced in meeting the diverse learning needs of our students.
TUSD strongly encourages students who are pregnant to enroll at Teenage Parent High School to learn best parenting practices prior to giving birth. Many students have graduated from TAP while others have returned to their home schools to graduate. See videos below to hear from former students about TAP and their experiences at our school.
TUSD strongly encourages students who are pregnant to enroll at Teenage Parent High School to learn best parenting practices prior to giving birth. Many students have graduated from TAP while others have returned to their home schools to graduate. See videos below to hear from former students about TAP and their experiences at our school.
Start your new path to success today. Becoming a new parent is not easy, but you can achieve parenting success and complete your high school career at the same time by attending TAP High School.
TAP is currently accepting applications for the 2024-2025 school year. If you are pregnant or parenting and wish to attend TAP, please call us at 520-225-3250 or 520-225-3256
General Information
Tucson Unified School District’s Teenage Parent High School is a small high school that offers a safe, supportive, caring learning environment for pregnant teens and young parents. Our focus is to support new teen parents in credit recovery, earning credits needed for high school graduation, career and college preparation, and a strong foundation in positive, supportive, healthy parenting skills. The school has 4 nurseries that serve to provide day care and learning labs for TAP students. The nurseries are designed to care for babies ages 2 weeks to 18 months and mentor TAP students in best parenting practices. Along with regular high school classes, TAP students take parenting and Early Childhood Classes and have the opportunity to complete a certificate to work in the field of Early Childhood Education.
TAP HS accepts both female and male expecting parents and/or parents. Though TAP does not offer an after-school sports or fine arts program, we do collaborate with students’ home schools and Tucson High School to give access to these programs. In order to participate in these programs, TAP students must comply with all rules and requirements set by the home schools including passing grades, good attendance, and good behavior.
TAP HS offers nursing and counseling services designed to monitor and support the health of both students and babies as well as personal counseling, group counseling and career counseling. TAP staff are knowledgeable about outside health, social-emotional, housing and economic services and school services are designed to educate and support students in accessing and employing outside services to support their parenting and to meet basic needs. The school has a positive, collaborative relationship with our local diaper bank, food bank, clothing bank, and parenting organizations. TAP also provides a clothing bank for our babies and students through our FCCLA club.
TAP HS accepts both female and male expecting parents and/or parents. Though TAP does not offer an after-school sports or fine arts program, we do collaborate with students’ home schools and Tucson High School to give access to these programs. In order to participate in these programs, TAP students must comply with all rules and requirements set by the home schools including passing grades, good attendance, and good behavior.
TAP HS offers nursing and counseling services designed to monitor and support the health of both students and babies as well as personal counseling, group counseling and career counseling. TAP staff are knowledgeable about outside health, social-emotional, housing and economic services and school services are designed to educate and support students in accessing and employing outside services to support their parenting and to meet basic needs. The school has a positive, collaborative relationship with our local diaper bank, food bank, clothing bank, and parenting organizations. TAP also provides a clothing bank for our babies and students through our FCCLA club.

TAP Mission
To prepare students for future success by:
Promoting academic achievement through flexible schedules, small class sizes, tutoring, credit recovery and credit acceleration;
Providing a nurturing community through support groups, local social services and agencies, school activities, family involvement and strong student-staff rapport;
Developing responsible parenting through prenatal instruction, Early Childhood Education (ECE), parenting classes, hands-on guided nursery experience, nutrition and health support.
Our goal is to teach adolescents responsibility, positive relationships, parenting skills, and to ensure they are career and/or college ready.
Promoting academic achievement through flexible schedules, small class sizes, tutoring, credit recovery and credit acceleration;
Providing a nurturing community through support groups, local social services and agencies, school activities, family involvement and strong student-staff rapport;
Developing responsible parenting through prenatal instruction, Early Childhood Education (ECE), parenting classes, hands-on guided nursery experience, nutrition and health support.
Our goal is to teach adolescents responsibility, positive relationships, parenting skills, and to ensure they are career and/or college ready.
What We Offer
- A small, supportive, safe and caring school environment for pregnant teens and teen parents.
- Four on-site nurseries for children whose parent is enrolled and meeting all attendance requirements.
- Fulltime registered nurse with extensive experience in prenatal, birthing, post-birth and infant care.
- Caring faculty and staff.
- Certified counselor for academic guidance and personal concerns.
- Counselor for college and career planning and preparation.
- Bus passes, convenient bus stop.
- Parenting class.
- Hands-on guided nursery experience.
- Nutrition and health support.
- Small advising classes.
- Father-to-Father support group.
- Counseling for a variety of issues including managing the stressing of being a new parent.
- Youth On Their Own (YOTO) services.
- Support services for students considering adoption.
- Assistance with community services including daycare.
- Registration held quarterly: Aug., Oct., Jan., and Mar.
- Regular classes include Core Classes: 4 years English and Math, 3 years Social Studies including World History, American History, American Government, and Economics; 3 years of Science including Earth Science, Biology and Geology; Health and PE. TAP also offers Early Childhood Education (ECE) classes, nursery instruction/labs, parenting classes, and AIMS prep classed in reading, writing and math.
- Credit recovery services.
Important Registration Info
Students must bring the following information to registration:
Students who are under the age of 18 must bring their parent or guardian to registration. Youth On Their Own students may call 225-3250 to make an appointment to register.
- Withdraw paperwork from previous school
- Copy of high school transcript
- If entering 9th grade, proof of 8th grade promotion
- Shot records
- Baby shot records (if baby will be in nursery)
- Proof of pregnancy (if pregnant)
- Proof of residency (water bill, gas bill, electric bill, State ID, paystub, car registration, IRS paperwork, rental agreement, house deed)
- Original birth certificate
Students who are under the age of 18 must bring their parent or guardian to registration. Youth On Their Own students may call 225-3250 to make an appointment to register.