Family Resources

Parent Involvement

September 2018

Dear Parent/Legal Guardian, Student and Family Members:

Because of the new state legislation interpreting the new federal elementary and secondary education law, alternative schools will not receive a new letter grade until November 2018 or later.  Until then, alternative schools will not have a letter grade or label until close to the new year.  It should be noted that regardless of our letter grade or state label, TAP has been exceedingly successful at addressing the needs of students who enter TAP after not being in school for 3 months to 4 years.  He support students in determining their skill levels, conducting credit reviews, providing access to grade level curriculum, interventions, supports and diversified instruction to ensure that students are successful regardless of where their skills lie upon their registration date.  TAP has also been very successful at moving students from late elementary school skills into high school level skills as well as preparing students who enter at grade level to gain skills needed to enter and succeed in college.  At TAP, we believe in  educating the whole student as well as the parent within the student.  This means we work to support student development in academic, social, emotional, communication, organization, and parenting skills. 

Federal Accountability

At this time, TAP HS, like other Arizona Alternative High Schools, is waiting for a new letter grade which will be based on a new rubric developed by the Arizona Department of Education.  The focus of such ratings is to promote a focus on students completing high school and being prepared to enter and succeed in college, career, military or other post secondary education.  TAP has a strong record of ensuring that seniors are prepared to enter local trade schools, JTED programs, community colleges, and when appropriate, four year colleges like the University of Arizona or Arizona State University.  TAP focuses on supporting students in recognizing and developing student potential skills, talents, and academic achievements in order to understand how best to access, navigate and excel in post-secondary education and job placements.  In 2018-19we will place a special focus on developing students technology skills to both access and excel in district curriculum.  TAP will utilize and teach student skills to manage their learning in Office 365. 

School Improvement Plan

TAP consistently works with TUSD offices, community organizations, and the Arizona Department of Education (ADE) to develop a Integrated Action Plan (IAP). In order to address indicators TAP targets for improvement. TAP HS (Teenage Parent High School) has created a school-wide plan based on many data points that integrates multiple research based strategies to address specific needs of TAP students.  The school commits to academic and social goals focused on preparing students for success in high school and after high school. TAP's 2018-19plan states that:

  • All teachers will participate in professional development  and learning communities to implement TUSD's Curriculum 5.0, TUSD's Culturally Relevant Curriculum,  mathematics and/or reading instruction and the development of technology skills.
  • Data collection, student conferences, rewards and other supports will be implemented to increase student daily attendance in school as attendance is clearly linked to student academic success.  TAP will also develop extended technical platforms to provide access to students when they are absent from school.
  • Interventions will be implemented to assist students in mastery of state standards in mathematics, reading, writing and science.
  • Student data and progress will be monitored regularly throughout the school year to ensure mastery of district and state standards.
  • Parent and family involvement strategies will be implemented to strengthen the partnership between home and school to improve student achievement.  This year we will initiate a new Family Engagement Team that will be connected to the school's Site Council. 
  • TAP has also expended our nursery services to include toddlers to the age of 24 months and will implement a new maternity home visit and support program. 

Additional information in the form of letters, compacts and policies are listed to the right.   

We encourage you to become involved by participating in the development ofschool continuous TAP's Integrated Improvement Plan. Please contact the school principal at 520-225-3256 if you are interested in being part of a committee or would like more information about the school.

Family Centers Logo and Link
2018-19 Documents
TAP High School Student, Parent, Family Letters and Agreements
Parent-Student-Teacher Compact (in PDF)
English (in PDF) | Spanish (in PDF)
Parent Involvement Policy
English (in PDF) | Spanish (in PDF)
Parent Involvement Policy Information (in PDF)
Parent Right to Know Letter
English (in PDF) | Spanish (in PDF)